Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 17: “Stunt Rock, Night of the Lepus, and Pieces”
This week: Much Stunt and Much Rock is had with the movie Stunt Rock. And, to celebrate the Easter holiday, we talk about Night of the Lepus. Plus, the 80's slasher Pieces! And our thoughts on Wrestlemania 36, our preferred James Bond, and The Return of Swamp Thing.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 16: “The Leprechaun Franchise”
Yup. We did it. This episode, we cover the entire Leprechaun horror franchise. Who knew there were 8 of these bad boys? See what we think as we encounter sequels, reboots, and retcons with Leprechaun. Plus, Candyman vs. Leprechaun?
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 15: “April Fools Day”
This time we talk about the slasher classic, April Fools Day. This one has a big twist that you’re either on board with or completely hate. Plus, we talk about the Netflix hit, Tiger King, and a movie that was never made…Batman Meets Godzilla. Can you even imagine what that would’ve been like?
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 14: “Dial Code Santa Claus (aka 3615 pere noel or Deadly Games)
This time, Randy and Tom Coe cover the French film 3615 Code Pere Noel (Dial Code Santa Claus, also known as Deadly Games). It’s a movie about a boy who is home alone on Christmas Eve and sets up elaborate booby traps to protect himself from the intruder that broke into his home to attack him. Sound familiar? Did Dial Code Santa Claus inspire Home Alone or did Home Alone completely rip it off? It’s a deranged Santa vs the Wet Bandits, it’s a 9-year old with a mullet vs Kevin McAllister. It’s Dial Code Santa Claus vs Home Alone as we give our thoughts on the similarities between the two films. Plus, a whole bunch of fun stuff.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 13: “My Bloody Valentine”
It's Valentine's Day, which means it's time to check out Quentin Tarantino's favorite slasher, My Bloody Valentine.
Describe by the director as "the deer hunter" of slashers, My Bloody Valentine has become a cult favorite and was also subjected to a 2009 remake - My Bloody Valentine 3D.
Find out what Randy and Tom Coe think of this classic horror flick. Send them an email and let them know what you think of this episode, My Bloody Valentine, or just check in with your favorite cult movie!
Check out this latest episode and let us know some movies we should cover in the future by emailing us at:
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 12: “12:01 pm”
12:01 pm was a movie that premiered in 1990 and earned an Academy award nomination, but how many people have actually heard of it? Here's a summary: a man finds himself relieving the same day over and over again. Sound familiar? The producers of this movie sued the producers of Groundhog Day for plagiarism. Did they have a case? Find out what we think.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 11: “Roar - the Most Dangerous Film Ever Made”
It's been called "The Most Dangerous Movie Ever Made." Featuring 150 untrained lions, tigers, panthers, cheetahs, and cougars, it certainly lives up to that nickname. But is it worth watching? Find out.
Plus, a review of the first episode of the Red Shoe Diaries, in order to up the sex appeal of the podcast.
And, all sorts of nonsense. Including, that time my mom got peed on by a lion, the scrambled porn generation, and the Tiger in my grandparent's neighborhood.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 18: “Electric Dreams”
This time, Tommy and Randy talk about Electric Dreams (1984) starring Lenny von Dohlen, Virginia Madsen, and Bud Cort. It’s a love triangle between a man, a woman, and a computer. Who wins?
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 10: The “Silent Night, Deadly Night” franchise
Randy and Tom Coe cover the entire Silent Night, Deadly Night franchise, including the 2012 remake “Silent Night.” Plus, we discuss the Santa slasher genre and the movies: Elves (1989), Christmas Evil, To All A Good Night, and the segment “…And All Through the House” from the 1972 Tales from the Crypt movie. Also, updates on Black Christmas 2019 and Tammy and the T-Rex!
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 9: Black Christmas (1973)
This time, Randy and Tom Coe discuss one of the original slashers, Black Christmas! We discuss its connection to John Carpenter’s Halloween and its place in slasher movie history. For good measure, we also talk about Black Xmas (2006) and the controversy around Blumhouse’s Black Christmas (2019) remake.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 8: Tammy and the T-Rex
Randy and Tom Coe cover the cult classic that’s slowly starting to find a larger audience. It’s a movie about a girl who’s murdered boyfriend’s brain is put inside a robot t-rex. It’s a wacky, weird ride and it’s also Denise Richards and Paul Walker’s first starring roles.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 7: The Wicker Man (1973)
Randy is joined by Tom Coe to talk about one of Tom’s favorite movies, “The Wicker Man.” It’s a story about a Christian police officer investigating a disappearance on an island that worships sex. Plus, we discuss this movie’s similarity to Midsommar and, for good measure, we discuss the 2006 remake of The Wicker Man starring Nicolas Cage.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 6: The Star Wars Holiday Special
This week, Randy is joined by TRB from “Welcome to Rantyville” and “The Retail Rant” podcasts to discuss this infamous Star Wars bomb which aired only one time. Is it really as bad as people claim it is? Spoiler: yes. yes, it is.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 5: Trick or Treat (1986)
Randy and Tom Coe played their last podcast backwards and this movie is the result. It’s a little known horror movie about a rocker named Sammi Curr who can be summoned from the dead by playing his records backwards. Rock music is the devil, I guess.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 4: Ghostwatch
It’s the Halloween special that traumatized an entire nation. This BBC movie was presented as a breaking news report with familiar BBC television personalities on the scene of a haunted house where peculiar things were happening. Many people allegedly found it to be the real thing. In many ways, this special would inspire future “found footage” films like The Blair Witch Project. Beware, Pipes the Ghost and listen to Randy and Tommy talk about this forgotten film.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 3: Brain Dead (or Dead Alive)
Randy and Tom Coe talk about the original romantic comedy with zombies - Brain Dead (or Dead Alive as it was known in the US). It’s a gory, violent, funny horror film (described as “splatstick”) directed by Peter Jackson long before he got cozy with Hobbits.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 2: Suburban Commando
Randy and Tommy discuss Hulk Hogan’s alleged big break into family friendly films. This was going to make the Hulkster a huge star and make Hulkamania consume Hollywood. It didn’t. Hear all about the behind the scenes shenanigans and Hogan’s dreams of stardom in this episode.
Someone’s Favorite Movie podcast episode 1: No Holds Barred
In this very first episode, the guys from the Miserable Retail Slave podcast revisit a movie that they fondly remember from their childhoods: No Holds Barred! It was Hulk Hogan’s first starring role and would lead to a future feud in the WWF with Tiny Lister as Zeus trying to transition into a wrestling role. Hear about how Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon wrote this movie and Hogan’s divine inspiration for the ending.